Perched on the grassy edge in sun-baked brightness

While across the river branches and leaves drape

shadows and secrets of cool green. 

Toe dipping with a sharp intake of breath

I lower my unicorn-clad feet into water 

stained burnt caramel from the peat.

Candy coloured swirls form a starlight backdrop

for the prancing unicorn,

he doesn’t seem to mind the drowning. 

Landscapes of sandy paths between rounded stones 

ripple in the depths.

Clouds of cappuccino foam cast shadows

as they chase each other across the surface. 

Ripples whispering liquid gossip,

A backdrop to our laughter of remembering

Adventures recalled

Friendships continued. 

My fingers nestle between the uncut grasses

My eyes seeking the elusive four leaves

But only seeing threes. 

My luck is all around me, I need not search

For anomalies of green.