Mischievous Hayley

Hayley’s a pretty but mischievous girl With a cheeky wee smile And a saucy wee curl. But she’d crayon her name On the living room wall. Or leave muddy footprints all over the hall. Her mother would shout In a voice of despair. Then Hayley would sulk And pretend not to...

Callum’s Pet

Callum was crazy, everyone said, To keep a young dinosaur Under his bed. Callum would say “It’s no trouble at all. It eats quite a lot Yet stays very small.” But everyone knew One day he’d regret Keeping a dinosaur Just like a pet. Callum awoke with a bump one dark...

Space Invaders

“Thrusters on full Captain.” The space craft lumbered forward, its flimsy hull bending alarmingly. The two man crew fought with the controls trying to hold their ship together just one last journey. A wing buckled under the strain. There was a tearing...